Kolmac is offering in-person services in Columbia, Towson, Washington, DC & Yardley, PA

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Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Center provides effective outpatient addiction treatment to adults from all walks of life. Since 1973, we’ve helped more than 50,000 patients overcome addiction.

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Contact Admissions for Immediate Help: (888) 331-5251

You don’t need to leave the comfort of home to begin your recovery. Kolmac serves patients in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC with virtual and in-person options. We can get you started within one day.

Book your appointment online: get well from home.

We also have in-person programs in treatment center locations throughout the states we currently serve.

The Kolmac Difference: 50 Years. 50,000 Patients. We Can Help.

Get Help Today!

We welcome the opportunity to help you in your road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, contact us at:

A woman in a green sweater sits on a couch, focused on her laptop, creating a cozy and productive atmosphere.