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Why employers should support employees fighting addiction - Three benefits employers receive when they support employees fighting addiction

Why employers should support employees fighting addiction

Support Employees Fighting Addiction

George Kolodner MD, Kolmac’s Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, published an article about why employers should support employees fighting addiction in the January 2020 issue of HR News. Dr. Kolodner shared suggestions to help employers understand how assisting employees who struggle with addiction benefits their companies.

Three benefits employers receive when they support employees fighting addiction

When employers support employees, they also reap the rewards. Businesses tend to measure the costs of employer addiction support in a way that only touches on the immediate expenses while ignoring the long-term benefits. Here are three facts Dr. Kolodner urges employers to consider when discussing supporting colleagues who have addiction issues.

  1. Employees who receive support and help with their addiction struggles become loyal, valued workers.
  2. Retaining an employee saves HR costs, costs of operational losses, and the knowledge and experience the employee possesses and shares.
  3. Supporting employees fighting addiction improves morale within the company and makes their colleagues feel valued.

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are valuable resources

One of the primary ways that employers can help employees who have addiction issues is by offering an employee assistance program (EAP). According to Dr. Kolodner, “EAPs tend to be more attractive to employees with alcohol and drug problems than approaching a human resources representative because shared information can remain confidential and the focus is on their care instead of their job. Employers should inform and remind workers routinely about what an EAP offers and how it can help.”

Dr. Kolodner emphasizes that supporting employees with substance abuse disorder works best when companies avoid punitive measures. “Punitive responses can be destined to fail because they cannot address the root cause of a complicated condition.”

Kolmac’s program allows employees to continue working during treatment

Our intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment allows employees to keep working while they receive the help they need. We offer convenient locations and hours that enable employees to remain productive members of their companies. For more information about Kolmac and how to support employees fighting addiction, contact us.


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