Kolmac is offering in-person services in Columbia, Towson, Washington, DC & Yardley, PA

Patients with a dual diagnosis have both an addiction and a mental health issue

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Dual Diagnosis

When it comes to addiction, a dual diagnosis is not uncommon. Approximately half of our patients have a mental health problem that interferes with their recovery from addiction.

Patients can’t have a lasting recovery unless they receive simultaneous treatment for both co-occurring psychiatric conditions and addiction. Some people who come to us experienced difficulties in the past because there is a false belief that sobriety alone cures all problems, or that treating psychiatric issues with medication remedies addiction.

At Kolmac, our team diagnoses and treats patients with a dual diagnosis as part of our intensive outpatient (IOP) program.

The best results occur when we treat dual diagnosis conditions simultaneously

One of our basic, long-held beliefs is that patients who have a dual diagnosis get the best results when they receive treatment for their addiction and their co-occurring psychiatric disorder at the same time.

Our medical and clinical staff work diligently to obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for problems such as mood disorders, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, eating disorders and the consequences of trauma.

While it can be difficult to disentangle addiction issues from other psychiatric conditions, we feel confident making treatment decisions together with patients and their families.

The key to providing patients who have a dual diagnosis with the best possible outcome is listening. We talk with our patients and their families to develop effective, individualized treatment programs.

At Kolmac, we maintain a full staff of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants. Our medical team works closely with our therapists, collaborating with patients’ psychiatrists and other treatment providers to devise the best treatment plan.

Close monitoring allows us to access and change treatment plans as needed

Our experienced medical and clinical staff closely follow patients who have a dual diagnosis. This allows the team to rapidly assess patients for side effects caused by medications and make changes accordingly.

We have the expertise and knowledge to provide treatment for psychiatric conditions when necessary. If our team feels patients need further treatment, we arrange for psychotherapy referrals to outside therapists or residential psychiatric treatment.

A dual diagnosis is a complicated matter. Patients and staff must keep an open mind about the diagnoses and be willing to change course when needed.

We understand the difficulties that patients and their families face

Often, patients with a dual diagnosis and their families are suffering from dealing with two serious problems at one time. They may even give up hope, but the professionals at Kolmac are here to offer a helping hand and recovery.

Contact us to get skilled treatment and professional help with a dual diagnosis.

Get Help Today!

We welcome the opportunity to help you in your road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about Kolmac Integrated Behavioral Health Centers, contact us at:

A father and daughter sit together on a sofa, both engaged with a smartphone, sharing a moment of connection.